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Is Illinois a No-Fault State for Auto Accidents?

is illinois a no fault state for auto accidents

Is Illinois a no-fault state in auto accidents? Contact Schierer and Ritchie LLC for a free consultation. If you’ve been involved in a car accident in Illinois, understanding the state’s fault system is crucial for navigating your legal rights and options. At Schierer and Ritchie LLC, we’re here to provide you with clear, comprehensive information … Read more

What to Do Immediately After a Car Accident in Peoria


What do you do after a car accident? At Schierer & Ritchie, LLC, we’re here to help you and protect your rights. Car accidents can be overwhelming, but knowing what steps to take immediately afterward can significantly impact your safety, health, and legal standing. Remaining calm is crucial if you are in a car accident. … Read more

How to Make an Uninsured Motorist Claim After Being in a Car Crash


At Schierer & Ritchie, LLC, we understand the complexities of these situations and are here to guide you through the process. Being involved in a car accident is a stressful experience, but it becomes even more challenging when the at-fault driver is uninsured. Schierer & Ritchie, LLC helps people who were the victims of car … Read more

When is a DUI a Felony in Illinois?


Misdemeanor vs. Felony DUIs: Contact Schierer & Ritchie LLC for professional legal representation and a free consultation. In Illinois, a DUI arrest can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the circumstances. Felony DUIs carry severe penalties, including hefty fines and lengthy jail time. Understanding the difference between misdemeanor and felony … Read more

New 2019 Illinois DUI Laws


Schierer & Ritchie LLC provides expert legal support to fight DUI charges. Contact us for a free consultation. Illinois is extremely strict when it comes to impaired driving. Before you get behind the wheel, familiarize yourself with the new DUI laws in Illinois. Following these laws could save your life, passengers’ lives, and future. Contact … Read more

What Do I Do If the Other Driver Leaves the Scene of the Accident?


One minute, you were driving home from work, and the next, you heard the sound of tires skidding and metal crumpling. You came to your senses just in time to see the driver who hit you speeding away. You’re the victim of a hit-and-run car accident. Why would someone leave the accident scene, and what should … Read more

What Can I Expect the Police Officer to Do at the Accident Scene?

head on

What Can I Expect the Police Officer to Do at the Accident Scene? Contact Schierer & Ritchie LLC for a free consultation. If you get into a car accident, one of the first things you should do is contact the police, especially if there are injuries. The officer will ensure everyone is safe, assess the … Read more

Who Pays for Medical Bills After an Auto Accident?


If you suffer an injury in a car accident, one of the pressing questions is, “Who will pay for my medical bills?” Illinois is not a “no-fault” state, meaning you are responsible for your medical expenses. While a personal injury settlement or trial verdict can help, you won’t receive any funds until your case is … Read more

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