Peoria Criminal Defense Results


Our client, a disabled military vet, was charged with a Class 4 felony of making a false 911 call. We investigated and met with the State’s Attorney. We were able to get the charges dismissed. We pled to a class C misdemeanor (low-level charge) and received non-reporting probation. Our client was delighted.


Our client is a resident of Texas and was stopped while driving through Woodford County. He was charged as a felon in possession of a firearm. We got those charges DISMISSED, and the client pled to a reduced charge and was placed on probation. The client avoided jail time, had his probation transferred to Texas, and went home to his family. Needless to say, we had a very happy client.



Our client was a student at Western Illinois University and was charged with underage drinking and having a fake ID. We avoided a driving license suspension by the Secretary of State and agreed to a court supervision sentence. This avoided a conviction, and the charges were dismissed at the end of the term. His parents were thrilled with the outcome, as was our client.


Our client was a former standout basketball player who played professionally overseas. The State sought over 10 years in prison for gun charges. We prepared a case in mitigation. We called to testify on his behalf to many people who were a part of his childhood, including his high school and college basketball coaches. He received a substantially lighter sentence.


Our client was charged with being a part of a far-reaching federal meth conspiracy. When the matter was charged, the client faced a minimum of 10 years in federal prison. We developed facts that showed our client qualified under the safety valve provision of the federal sentencing guidelines. This allowed our client to avoid being sentenced to a minimum of 10 years. Our client was sentenced substantially below that mark. He will be back with his family soon.


Our client was a resident of California and was investigated for mailing large amounts of drugs to Illinois. A contact in Bloomington allegedly received several packages. The United States Postmaster General’s office intercepted the packages. The Bloomington contact provided information to law enforcement, and our client was arrested. The weight of the cannabis mailed to Bloomington elevated the charges to Class X, which is punishable by a term in prison from 6-30 years and is non-probation eligible. We reduced the charges to Class 1, which is in the 4-15-year range. Our client did the MINIMUM TERM as charged.


Our client had a medical cannabis card in another state. He was stopped for speeding, and the officer noticed the cannabis. Charged with possessing illegal drugs. We took advantage of 720 ILCS 550/10 for first-time offenders. Under this law, we got the client 24 months of probation. His case was stayed during the probation term, and the matter was dismissed in the end.


The client was charged with several Class X drug offenses. The state was seeking 14 years before we were hired. Class X is punishable by prison only (no probation) for 6-30 years. We prepared a solid mitigation case and got an agreement to a 6-year sentence, which was the MINIMUM SENTENCE under the circumstances.


Our client was an over-the-road truck driver. A misunderstanding led to a charge of theft of motor fuel. We received court supervision on a reduced charge.


Our client was a passenger in a vehicle traveling from Chicago to St. Louis. Police observed a minor traffic violation and pulled the car over. The officer observed no illegal activity and had no reasonable suspicion of unlawful activity when approaching the vehicle. However, the officer asked for identification from all three adults in the car. Police checked for warrants and found no outstanding warrants. Police did locate a criminal history of drugs for the two passengers, including our client. Going on a hunch, the officer asked the driver to sit in his car for a while to talk. She complied. The officer then asked her a series of questions about their travel plans. He called for backup when he determined her answers did not make sense. The officer then talked to the two passengers, including our client. The officer decided there were inconsistencies in their versions of where they were coming from and where they were going. The officer told the backup officers that our client was to be considered dangerous. However, he had no reason to believe that. He pulled our client out of the car and searched him. This was a violation of our client’s Fourth Amendment rights. An officer may pat down for the officer’s safety, but the officer had not observed anything that would have led him to believe his safety was at risk. The heroine was found as a result of the illegal search. The client was charged with a Class X, and the State demanded a 10-year sentence. We filed a Motion to Suppress and conducted three days of hearings. The Court granted our motion. The State DISMISSED all charges.

NOT GUILTY, state first-degree murder charges, JURY TRIAL

The client was charged with multiple counts of first-degree murder. Faced with two allegedly neutral eyewitnesses to the crime and three witnesses claiming the defendant had confessed to them, we aggressively challenged the evidence throughout a week-long jury trial. Verdict: Not Guilty of All charges

NOT GUILTY, state domestic battery charges, JURY TRIAL

The client was charged with criminal domestic battery stemming from alleged violence against his ex-wife. The prosecution presented multiple witnesses, including “eye witness testimony” from the parties’ 8-year-old son, who recounted, in detail, how he witnessed his mother suffer serious abuse at the hands of his father. We worked hard to explain to the jury why the story they were being told did not make sense. After a short deliberation, the jury found our client not guilty.

NOT GUILTY, state felony drug charge, JURY TRIAL

The client was charged with possession with intent to distribute and possession of a controlled substance. After the 3-day jury trial, the jury found our client not guilty of intent to distribute.

NOT GUILTY, state domestic battery charges, JURY TRIAL

The client was charged with domestic battery after he allegedly pushed his wife through a glass door, resulting in substantial injuries. We worked intimately with our client to discover the truth of the situation, prepared an aggressive defense, worked hard to voir dire the panel of potential jurors to make sure an impartial group of his peers was judging our client and aggressively cross-examined all State witnesses to point out the weaknesses in their case. After a very short deliberation (less than a half hour), the jury returned a verdict of not guilty.

RETAINED, MILITARY separation board

United States Navy service member was charged with fraudulent enlistment, and his command sought to separate him from the Navy. We challenged the case at the separation board, and the members unanimously voted to retain our client. His military career was saved.


The client was charged as part of a conspiracy to distribute large amounts of marijuana. When we were retained, our client faced the mandatory minimum of 10 years. Through our efforts, we secured a plea that avoided the mandatory minimum. Our client was sentenced to eight months and is now free and home with his family.


The client was charged as part of a conspiracy to distribute marijuana. When we were hired, our client faced the mandatory minimum of 10 years. We secured a plea agreement through which the client served six months of home confinement.


The client was charged as part of a conspiracy to distribute cocaine. We entered a plea agreement in which the parties did not agree on the weight of the cocaine attributable to the client. The government could not prove the weight necessary to establish the ten-year mandatory minimum. The defendant received a substantially lighter sentence.


A 60-year-old man in possession of a firearm after a drunken dispute at a bar is charged with unlawful use of a weapon. At first, he was assigned a public defender who told him the best deal possible was two years in prison. We took the case and mounted an aggressive defense. We reached a plea agreement in which he received probation and didn’t spend one day behind bars.


Represented client in front of the prisoner review board to argue that recent arrest for domestic battery should not lead to revocation of client’s parole. After working with the family to aggressively combat the allegations and disprove the lack of information in the parole violation report, we convinced the parole hearing officer that our client should be released with modified terms.


The client was charged with driving under the influence of synthetic marijuana. We challenged the scientific evidence and pushed the case to trial. The day before the jury trial was scheduled to begin, all DUI charges were dismissed.

Schierer & Ritchie, LLC
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