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Who Pays My Medical Bills When I’m Injured in an Automobile Accident?


Understanding who pays your medical bills after an accident can be confusing. We can help. Contact us for a free consultation. One of the most common questions at Schierer & Ritchie, LLC is about who pays medical bills after an automobile accident. Understandably, many clients believe that if they didn’t cause the accident, they shouldn’t … Read more

When You Can’t Return to Work: Car Accident Aftermath

head on collision

Schierer & Ritchie, LLC will assist you with your personal injury claim, disability benefits, legal procedures, and compensation for your injuries. If you’ve been seriously injured in a car accident and need to recover at home, you may qualify for disability benefits based on the severity of your injuries. These benefits are typically determined by … Read more

Theft and Jail Time: What You Need to Know

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Schierer & Ritchie, LLC offers experienced criminal defense attorneys in Peoria to protect your rights. Theft, or larceny, is taking property that does not belong to you. This can occur through unauthorized control, theft by deception, or by threat. Additionally, the person committing the theft must intend to permanently keep the property from the rightful … Read more

Installing a BAIID After a DUI


Contact Schierer & Ritchie, LLC for a free consultation to navigate DUI laws and protect your rights. In Illinois, first-time DUI offenders must install a Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device (BAIID) in their vehicle to regain driving privileges. During this time, their license is temporarily suspended until the criminal court case is resolved. Contact Schierer … Read more

Will I Go to a High-Security Prison After Committing a Violent Crime?

criminal defense

Schierer & Ritchie LLC can help you understand Illinois’s classification of violent crime offenders. If you’re convicted of a violent crime, you may wonder what type of prison you’ll be sent to. This article explains how prison assignments work, focusing on the factors determining placement in high-security facilities. Across the United States, the prison system … Read more

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