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Is Illinois a No-Fault State for Auto Accidents?

is illinois a no fault state for auto accidents

Is Illinois a no-fault state in auto accidents? Contact Schierer and Ritchie LLC for a free consultation. If you’ve been involved in a car accident in Illinois, understanding the state’s fault system is crucial for navigating your legal rights and options. At Schierer and Ritchie LLC, we’re here to provide you with clear, comprehensive information … Read more

What Can I Expect the Police Officer to Do at the Accident Scene?

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What Can I Expect the Police Officer to Do at the Accident Scene? Contact Schierer & Ritchie LLC for a free consultation. If you get into a car accident, one of the first things you should do is contact the police, especially if there are injuries. The officer will ensure everyone is safe, assess the … Read more

Who Pays My Medical Bills When I’m Injured in an Automobile Accident?


Understanding who pays your medical bills after an accident can be confusing. We can help. Contact us for a free consultation. One of the most common questions at Schierer & Ritchie, LLC is about who pays medical bills after an automobile accident. Understandably, many clients believe that if they didn’t cause the accident, they shouldn’t … Read more

When You Can’t Return to Work: Car Accident Aftermath

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Schierer & Ritchie, LLC will assist you with your personal injury claim, disability benefits, legal procedures, and compensation for your injuries. If you’ve been seriously injured in a car accident and need to recover at home, you may qualify for disability benefits based on the severity of your injuries. These benefits are typically determined by … Read more

Who Pays for Medical Bills After an Auto Accident?


If you suffer an injury in a car accident, one of the pressing questions is, “Who will pay for my medical bills?” Illinois is not a “no-fault” state, meaning you are responsible for your medical expenses. While a personal injury settlement or trial verdict can help, you won’t receive any funds until your case is … Read more

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